Operational Improvement

Operational Improvement

Aero Technics Limited drives improvement through health assessments and continuous improvement to help customers become operationally best-in-class.

Rapid Assessment Frameworks (RAF)

We perform health assessments through Rapid Assessment Frameworks (RAF) to help customers understand where they stand among their peers in the industry and identify competitive advantages and risks. We have conducted assessments for MROs and airlines.
At the end of the assessment, the client is provided with an overall score and a roadmap to elevate operational performance within their industry.

Continuous Improvement (CI)

Continuous Improvement (CI) is core to everything we do. We not only practice CI, but we help customers to learn and understand how CI can help to drive change within their business. We provide a range of support from immediate, quick-win activities to organizational and cultural transformation.

Talk to Us about Operational Improvement - Need Immediate Information? Call Us at +254726160540

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