Quality and Safety
Aero Technics Limited's Quality and Safety team performs safety assessments and operational readiness audits to enhance compliance.
Safety Management System (SMS)
A safe and profitable operation starts with effective, intent-based compliance. SMS is intended to be an integrated risk management system that compliments effective compliance.
SMS enhances a compliance management system it does not replace or substitute any aspect.
Aero Technics Limited works with clients in Flight Operations, Technical Operations, Ground Operations, and MRO using our four-phase methodology to perform and produce:
SMS Rapid Assessment
SMS Rapid Assessment to establish the current status of a client’s SMS performance.
SMS Improvement
SMS Improvement to prioritize and implement improvements identified during the rapid assessment.
Competence Development
Competence Development to develop skills and capability in safety leadership, the development of a performing management system, and a positive safety culture.
Safety Assurance
Safety Assurance to reassess and continually improve the performance of the management system and the organization’s culture and leadership
Assessment Framework
Using our assessment framework, Aero Technics Limited is able to prioritize opportunities and develop recommendations designed to improve performance and reduce safety risks. Crucially, we include key enterprise performance factors vital to SMS’s success.
When SMS is not mandated by regulation, Aero Technics Limited is able to assist customers with the development of an SMS Voluntary Program.